News and Events


IASAP Bangalore Chapter - WoW 30: Looking Ahead

Event Date: 28 November 2020
IASAP Bangalore Chapter completes 30 glorious years of existence and is preparing for a grand virtual celebration via a Summit that is being organised for Admin Professionals which is an open event and all are welcome to join. We have organised Speakers who will be talking on topics very relevant to our daily life and some entertainment that will add to the cheer of the evening - we are looking forward to great participation.

Webinar P.O.S.H at the workplace during work from Home

Event Date: 10 October 2020
This session was put together by Michelle Barboza who invited Ms. Jayaprada of Metis POSH Consulting to deliver this program for our chapter members. It was a great session which revealed to us many interesting facts that take place and most often go un-noticed by a lot of people. It was an eye opener and defintiely brought about a lot of awareness in our members who have young children whom they could educate about what to expect in an unexpected situation.

IASAP Banagalore Chapter Daan Utsav

Event Date: 2 - 8 October 2020
This year Bangalore Chapter decided to partner with Daan Utsav and contributed in a big way to the initiative. Members contributed in cash to this initiative and the response from members and well wishers outside of the chapter was indeed overwhelming. This initiative was led by Marjorie Gama and was a tremendous success. IASAP is grateful to its generous members and well wishers for the support they recevied for this initiative.

IASAP All India Session Financial wellness Work shop

Event Date: 12 September 2020
An all India IASAP Financial Wellness program was organised by our very own Suma Prakash who makes sure that our members are sufficiently informed of the various financial and investment products that are available in the market to help with retirement planning. Mr. Nandakishore who was the speaker at the event explained in much detail and in simple lay mans terms all the offerings. It was an All India initiative and was well attended.

Yoga wellness session with Master Bindu Madhavi

Event Date: 5 September 2020
The Pandemic has brought with it many changes and many have been adopting the new way of life ! The Bangalore Chapter organised a Yoga Wellness program with Bindu Madhavi who also happens to be a member of our group. All of the Aasanas were explained and made to look so simple. As part of our initiative to ensure our members keep healthy and fit, this was a great initiative and were attended by members from other Chapters as well.

De-Clutter Drive

Event Date: 24 - 28 August 2020
As part of our numerous CSR Activities led by Marjorie Gama, a De-Clutter drive was organised through our members and families. Members contributed to this driver by donating clothes, furniture, house hold goods and food which was collected from all parts of Bangalore. IASAP chose to adopt Gerizim Home and all the goods collected were delivered to the happy children of this home. The drive was a huge success and much appreciation was recevied from the home for the help that they received.

Indepenndence day Celebration

Event Date: 15 August 2020
IASAP Bangalore Chapter conducted a virtual celebration to mark our Indian Indpendence. We had members dressed in ethnic wear in the colors of our National Flag. A virtual Tombola session was organised for our members conducted by Mr. Bosco Abraham and was a grand success. THis was yet another FIRST for the Chapter. Children of our Members entertained us with song and dance. It was a FUN evening.

Investiture ceremony of New Committee

Event Date: 8 August 2020
The new Committee Chaired by Meryl Dcouto was formally inducted into office and the roles and responsibilites of all were clearly defined. Such an event was a first for the Bangalore Chapter and was well attended.

IASAP Bangalore 30th AGM

Event Date: 11 July 2020
IASAP Bangalore conducted their 30th AGM for the first time on a virtual platform using CISCOs WEBEX. It was a success and the polling happened online. The Previous Committee headed by Ms. Roopa Prasannamurthy stepped down and a new Committee headed by Meryl Dcouto was elected.